Cardiac arrhythmia is a heart complication characterized by an irregular heart beats derived from excitations from atricular muscles from other sources other than the sino arteriole node ( S.A.N) that acts as pace maker and while ventricular arrhythmia is normally precipitated by the presiding heart beat facilitated by a unidirectional block at one point whose out come is excitation of the neighboring muscle fibres in the ventricles.

Prolonged cardiac arrhythmia is treated with suitable coronary cardiovascular drugs such as procainamide (procein), quinidine which is the most common drug for both atrial and ventricular arrhythmia, lignocaine that acts as local anaesthesia used to treat arrhythmia, cardiac glycosides that increase the force efficiency of contraction of cardiac muscles clinically recommended for general heart failure. 


The normal average heart beat is 70 rhythmical cycles without organism’s awareness of the beats. Palpitation is a heart disturbance that occurs when there is interruption of electrical impulse formation initiated at the Sino- atrial node ( pace maker) or electrical impulse generated from other sources other than Sino aterial node. Impulses could be affected through inhibitory process, indirectly by emotions, chemicals, e.g thyroxin, noradrenalin, acytel choline, pain and even directly by changes in temperatures.

Using a stethoscope the heart beat is faster and sound is altered from the normal ‘lub dub’ to either ‘lub dub dub’ or ‘lub lub dub’ leading to unpleasant sensations with symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, chest discomfort especially at the left side, dizziness, anxiety, weakness and fainting if extreme.